Play this first thing in the morning and let it take you into beautiful communion with The Holy Spirit…….
The Home of Christian Poets was founded by Jessica, an inspirational published poet, who has been writing poetry since she was five.
Jessica has always had a burden for the lost and The Lord gave her a vision and blue print of a Christian poetry fellowship, to unite poets in using their gift as an evangelistic calling to set the captives free. She has used poetry to deal with trauma experienced in her life and therefore knows first hand, it’s ability to encourage, empower as well as its therapeutic and healing impact, especially when inspired by the Holy Spirit.
Jessica received the vision over 2 decades ago, when poetry was virtually unheard of in churches and was rarely recognised as a ministry gift. At that time, God told her that she would be a Pastor to Poets. However, as a young Christian, this all seemed far fetched and so family and work commitments retained her focus. As time went by Jessica became more involved in ministry life. She emigrated to the Caribbean, where her husband established a church, and on their return helped him with the church he established in the London Borough of Hackney, and with the MAC School of Evangelism and later was ordained.
Through the years, the Holy Spirit would remind her of the vision, however God was pruning, transforming and equipping her for the call on her life, to be a co-labourer with Christ, empowered by the Holy Spirit to use poetry to set the captives free and to birth and develop the vision of THE HOME OF CHRISTIAN POETS.
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